Fish Fecal Disorders





Treatment and Links

A).   The vent or anal area is inflamed, and feces are often slimey  Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart The feces contain small, thin worms.  This is the larvae of livebearing nematodes Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Treat with:   Paracide-D.
If not, look down the chart further  
B).   The vent does not appear to be inflamed, but no fecal matter can be expressed completely, and is dragged around like a long slimey string Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart The intestines are affected with either:  a).  Bacteria  b).  Flagellates  c).   Worms.  Make a fecal mount to determine the problem Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart a).  Treat with: Doxycycline

b).  Metronidazole

 c). = Paracide-D

If not, look down the chart further  
C).   Fecal droppings are white or yellow, and slimy Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Your fish is probably affected with intestinal flagellates.  Nematodes can be the secondary cause Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Treat with Metronidazole -or- Paracide-D.
If not, look down the chart further  
D).   When the fish remain stationary, red or brown worms hang out of the anus looking like a pom-pom Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart The fish is affected by Camallanus worms, which bear live larvae Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Treat with: Paracide-D in the food and De-Los in the water.
If not, look down the chart further  
E).   Whitish, flat, elongated segments are seen coming from the anus.  Or in fecal matter, several segments Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Your fish are affected with a Tape Worm Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Mix up some frozen food with Paracide-D and feed to the fish for 3-5 days.
If not, look down the chart further  
F).   The feces is long, white and stringy.  The feces contain elongated eggs with champagne-cork-like covers Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Your fish are affected with Capillaria Worm Larvae Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Treat with:  Paracide-D.
If not, look down the chart further  
G).   The fish is bloated up, has a reduced appetite and also has clear to white feces Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Your fish is affected with Hexamita.  Very common in Discus and African Cichlids.  This is referred to as "Malawi Bloat" Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Make a medicated frozen food with Metronidazole. Use 1/4 tsp. per 4 oz. of food.   Feed to the fish once a day for 10 days. Or try treating the water with Parinox

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