Fish Intestinal Disorders





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A).   The intestines contain opaque worms possessing a retractible proboscis or trunk completey covered with hooking structures Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart The fish is affected with acanthocephalans. Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Treat fish with  Paracide-D in the food.
If not, look down the chart further
B).   Hanging on the intestinal wall are worms with anterior sucking parts and well defined segmentation.  They can attain several centimeters in length. Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart The fish are affected with Tapeworms Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Treat the fish with: Paracide-D.
If not, look down the chart further
C).   Flatworms with an anterior and a posterior sucker are attached to the intestinal wall (but almost only in fish captured in the wild). Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Digenea are trematodes or flukes with alternating hosts, so they cannot reproduce in an aquarium Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Treat with: Paracide-D or Paracide-X
If not, look down the chart further
D).   Reddish worms, 10 to 20mm long with "milling or cutter head"-like mouth parts Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Nematodes of the genus Camallanus are involved Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Treat with Paracide-D
If not, look down the chart further
E).   Long, very thin worms (up to 20mm long) move slowly in the intestines.  Many eggs appear too, with female specimens Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Your fish are affected with Capillaria Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Treat fish with Paracide-D mixed into feed
If not, look down the chart further
F).   In cysts embedded in the intestinal wall, curled up worms move very slowly Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart You have found encapsulated Nematode Larvae Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Treat with Paracide-D.
If not, look down the chart further
G).   Large, thick worms (1 to 4mm) wriggle in the intestine.  Only Discus fish are known to have these Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart These oxyruids have not yet been properly identified Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Treat with: Paracide-D mixed into the feed at 1/4 tsp. per 1/2lb. of food. 
If not, look down the chart further
H).   Relatively large protozoans which swim around in the intestinal contents, have slightly angled-off round anterior ends and a posterior end drawn out to a point Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart The fish is affected with Protoopalina.  These are found only in discus fish. Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Make a medicated frozen food with Metronidazole.  Use 1/2 tsp. to 4oz. of food. Thaw food, mix in medication and re-freeze.  Feed to fish for 10 days.
If not, look down the chart further
I).   Reddish spots appear in the intestinal wall.  At high magnifications, blood cells can be recognized Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart This involves enteritis or viral infection Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart No suitable treatment known.
If not, look down the chart further
J).   The intestine contains yellow fluid and yellow crystalline structures   The crystals are called enterolith crystals, which appear when the fish has not fed for a long time.   They are often secondary to many diseases   Try to have the other fish start feeding again by offering them live food.  Examine dissected fish for other diseases.

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