Marine Fish Viral Disorders





Treatment and Links

A).   Fish become dark and develop an aggressive biting behavior.  They develop ulcerative lesions on the skin Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Kuchihiro-sho (Tiger puffer virus) Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart

No suitable treatment known.  Remove the fish from the aquarium to protect other species.  These lesions will develop a bacterial infection which may be cured, but there is no cure for the virus.

If not, look down the chart further
B).  The fish appear to have a cauliflower like growth or growths on the skin or fins Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart


Lymphocystis Virus

*Some people state that Acriflavine will cure this virus.  This is false info.

Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart These growths may be surgically removed, but this is certainly no cure.  This virus will become systemic and show up in larger numbers when it comes back again.  This virus spreads like cancer throughout the fish.

If not, look down the chart further

C).   The fish become listless and lethargic.  They die with pale pink gills Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Viral Erythrocytic Necrosis Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart No suitable treatment known.
If not, look down the chart further
D).   The fish appear anorexic, disoriented.  Some swim upside down. hemorrhages at the base of the fins is apparent.  Some have ascites (swelling of the stomach) Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart  

Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis


Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart No suitable treatment known.
If not, look down the chart further
E).   Fish have an apparent excess of a milky type of mucous on the skin.  They become anorexic and lethargic, lose their equilibrium and die. Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart Angelfish Encephalitis Fish Behavioral Disorders Flow Chart No suitable treatment known.

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